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Monday, March 2, 2020

5 Reasons Why Cruise Vacations Are Better Than Resort Stays

If you're thinking about your next escape, you may be wondering whether cruise vacations or resort stays are the best option. Though both vacations have something to offer avid travelers, cruises tend to be the most versatile, inclusive, and exciting. Let's take a look at some of the main reasons why cruise vacations rule over resort stays:

1. Quality at Your Fingertips
Resorts offer activities and experiences to guests, but there's no level of quality and attention quite like that on a premier cruise line. When you go on a cruise vacation, you have so much more than unique shore excursions to look forward to — on board, you'll find top-quality Broadway-style shows, musical performances, and casino gaming. In addition to the onboard entertainment, there are also spas, art auctions, poolside activities, and plenty of opportunities to learn. As for the cuisine, a wide array of world-class, internationall-inspired dining options awaits you, including chocolate tastings from famed chocolatier Norman Love. You'll be surrounded by friendly staff who go that extra mile for you.

2. Something Fun for Everyone
Most cruise vacations involve activities for voyagers of every age — from babies and teens, to teens and adults. Whether you want to bring your family abroad for their best family cruise vacation yet, spend time with a best friend or loved one, or just treat yourself to a getaway cruise, you'll find activities that are guaranteed to inspire. If you're bringing a family, your children can safely play games and water sports while you try your hand at golf, relax in a spa, or dance the night away. Together, you can make any cruise vacation truly yours.

3. An Ocean View
One especially great thing about cruise vacations is that you can enjoy a breathtaking ocean view. After a fun-filled day, cruises offer you the option to lay out on deck and stargaze like you never have before. Take in the illuminated swirl of the cosmos while your cruise ship peacefully glides along the sea. There's no other experience like it.

4. Excursions and Adventures
When you're cruising, you can take time to hop off your cruise ship on immerseive shore excursions, which allow you to explore select ports. If you want to experience a variety of places, cultures, and cuisines, choose a cruise. Why not cruise to South America and see the amazing IguazĂș Falls, or famous Machu Picchu — one of the most important UNESCO sites in Latin America? There are endless opportunities for adventure while on a cruise.

5. A Variety of Experiences
Imagine visiting a different country every day. On a cruise, you can visit various islands, cities, and entire countries in a week or two at sea. When you cruise the Caribbean, you can visit Aruba, Bonaire, Grenada, and Bahamas all within 10 days. Or, on a South America cruise, visit exotic Rio de Janeiro, explore rainforests in Limon, Costa Rica and enjoy spectacular wine tastings in Santiago, Chile.

Cruise vacations are meaningful experiences that will leave you with a lifetime of memories. When you cruise the open sea, exploring ports of call and taking in new cultural experiences with Princess Cruises, there's no question that you'll come back new.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Jasa pengurusan Visa Swiss

Visa adalah sebuah dokumen izin masuk seseorang ke suatu negara. Visa adalah tanda bukti jika memasuki wilayah negara lain yang mempersyaratkan adanya izin masuk. Bisa berbentuk stiker visa yang dapat diapply di kedutaan negara yang akan dikunjungi atau berbentuk stempel pada paspor di negara tertentu Jasa Pengurusan Visa Swiss
  1. Paspor yang masa berlaku lebih dari 6 bulan dari tanggal kedatangan dan paspor lama.
  2. Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 3,5 x 4,5 = 2 lembar, dengan latar belakang putih, dan hasil cetakan diatas kertas cetak foto, bermutu cetak baik dan jelas penampilannya muka di zoom 70%.
  3. Surat sponsor berbahasa Inggris di atas kop surat perusahaan dimana yang bersangkutan bekerja. Surat sponsor juga harus menyantumkan Jabatan, Mulai Bekerja, Gaji, dan Tanggal Berangkat dan Pulang.
  4. Jika ada orang lain/anggota keluarga yang ikut bepergian maka Surat Sponsor harus menyantumkan nama dan status orang tersebut.
    • Jika jabatan General Manager, Direktur, Presiden Direktur, atau Komisaris harus disertakan fotocopy NPWP dan SIUP.
    • Jika memiliki bisnis sendiri dan tidak ada kop surat perusahaan maka surat diketik diatas kertas putih polos dengan di cap toko dan sertakan fotocopy NPWP dan SIUP.
    • Jika disponsori oleh anak maka lampirkan fotocopy akte kelahiran anak yang dapat membuktikan hubungannya.
    • Jika disponsori oleh menantu maka lampirkan fotocopy akte nikah anak dan akte kelahiran anak yang dapat membuktikan hubungannya.
    • Jika status pensiun maka surat diketik diatas kertas putih polos dan ditanda tangani sendiri.
    • Copy slip gaji 3 bulan terakhir.
  5. Bukti keuangan 3 bulan terakhir berupa fotocopy rekening koran minimal Rp. 50 juta/orang dan harus ada cap stempel atau legalisir dari Bank tersebut.
  6. Rekening Koran 3 bulan terakhir ASLI.
  7. Fotocopy kartu keluarga.
  8. Jika nama yang tertera dipaspor beda maka lampirkan fotocopy surat ganti nama.
  9. Fotocopy akte nikah.
  10. Jika anak ikut berpergian dan masih sekolah, maka lampirkan :
    • Fotocopy kartu pelajar
    • Surat keterangan sekolah asli
    • Fotocopy akte kelahiran
  11. Melampirkan SIUP dan bukti pajak perusahaan untuk pemilik perusahaan.
  12. Jika ada anak yang tinggal di Swiss, maka lampirkan fotocopy paspor, visa, akte lahir dan undangan.
  13. Jika ada Invitation Letter dari perusahaan pengundang atau dari kerabat di Swiss harus dikirimkan juga melalui email ke kedutaan Swiss di Jakarta:
  14. Print out reservasi tiket. Jika ada perjalanan domestik selain di Swiss, harus melampirkan bukti reservasinya (domestic flight / tiket kereta / tiket bus).
  15. Konfirmasi hotel diharuskan di atas kop surat hotel bersangkutan. Jika menginap di Apartemen, lampirkan bukti kontrak atau bukti kepemilikan apartemen tersebut (bukti pajak).
  16. Asuransi perjalanan yang berlaku selama masa tinggal di Eropa dan uang pertanggungan USD 50.000 atau EURO 30.000.
  17. Formulir yang telah diisi lengkap dan ditanda tangani oleh pemohon. Untuk anak yang belum mempunyai KTP, formulir ditanda tangani oleh kedua orang tuanya.
  18. Semua dokumen diharuskan menggunakan kertas A4, kecuali surat sponsor, surat keterangan sekolah, ataupun surat yang dikeluarkan langsung atau asli dari instansi terkait.
Visa adalah sebuah dokumen resmi yang Anda perlukan untuk masuk ke negara tujuan dalam periode waktu tertentu. Visa asli yang biasanya di stempel di paspor penerima sangat diperlukan jika Anda hendak berkunjung ke suatu negara tertentu.
Pelancong yang melewati waktu yang telah ditentukan akan dikenakan denda sebesar US $ 20.- per hari / orang (untuk tinggal di bawah 60 hari) sedangkan lebih dari 60 hari tinggal akan menjalani 5 (lima) tahun hukuman penjara atau denda IDR 25.000.000 (mata uang lokal).
Harap diperhatikan bahwa Visa kedatangan hanya dapat diperpanjang atas persetujuan Direktur Jenderal Imigrasi Republik Indonesia.
Visa adalah tanda bukti ‘boleh berkunjung’ yang diberikan pada penduduk suatu negara jika memasuki wilayah negara lain yang mempersyaratkan adanya izin masuk. Bisa berbentuk stiker visa yang dapat diapply di kedutaan negara yang akan dikunjungi atau berbentuk stempel pada paspor pada negara tertentu.
Jika pemerintah telah mengadakan perjanjian dengan suatu negara agar penduduk negaranya bebas berkunjung ke suatu negara lain, maka jika Anda bepergian ke negara itu, Anda tidak memerlukan izin masuk ke negara itu atau dengan kata lain ‘bebas visa’ untuk pemegang paspor Indonesia. Paspor akan diberi stempel di imigrasi saat Anda sampai dan Anda akan langsung diperbolehkan masuk.
kami dapat membantu anda untuk jasa pengurusan visa Swiss, dengan berbagai kemudahan. segera hubungi Travel Consultant kami.
Notes :
  • Lama proses visa dihitung setelah semua persyaratan dokumen diterima lengkap.
  • Harga Diatas Dapat Berubah Sewaktu-waktu Tanpa Pemberitahuan
  • Jika Visa ditolak uang tidak dapat dikembalikan

Monday, February 10, 2020

Visa for Irlandia


A visa is a document of permission to enter someone into a country. A visa is proof of entry to another country which requires an entry permit. Can be in the form of a visa sticker that can be applied at the embassy of the country to be visited or in the form of a stamp on the passport in certain countries Visa Visa Management Services


  • Forms are filled online via the website (Irish Visa Application Form)
  • A passport valid for more than 6 months from the date of arrival and old passport.
  • Copy of KTP
  • Travel Insurance
  • Certificate of employment in English.
  • Reference letter from Ireland (attached).
  • Bank account in the last 3 months.
  • Bank reference
  • Salary Slip for the past 6 months
  • Sponsor letter included: Salary for a month, Start working
  • Hotel accommodation confirmation.
  • Print out a ticket reservation.
  • Family card translated into English.
  • Marriage Certificate which is translated into English.
  • Birth Certificate which is translated into English.
  • Photocopy of old and valid passport: page with photo, address + visas (if any).
  • Photos with a white background; size 3.5 x 4.5 = 2 sheets (face zoom 70%).

A visa is an official document that you need to enter the destination country for a certain period of time. An original visa which is usually stamped in the recipient's passport is very necessary if you want to visit a certain country.


Travelers who pass the specified time will be fined US $ 20.- per day / person (to stay under 60 days) while more than 60 days of stay will serve 5 (five) years in prison or a IDR 25,000,000 fine ( local currency).

Please note that arrival visas can only be extended with the approval of the Director General of Immigration of the Republic of Indonesia.


A visa is an ‘may visit’ proof given to residents of a country if it enters the territory of another country that requires an entry permit. It can be in the form of a visa sticker that can be applied at the embassy of the country to be visited or in the form of a stamp on the passport in certain countries.

If the government has entered into an agreement with a country so that its citizens are free to visit another country, then if you travel to that country, you do not need permission to enter the country or in other words 'visa free' for Indonesian passport holders. Your passport will be stamped at immigration when you arrive and you will be immediately permitted to enter.

we can help you to arrange for an Irish visa, with various conveniences. immediately contact our Travel Consultant.


  • The visa processing time is calculated after all the document requirements are received in full.
  • Above Prices Are Subject To Change At Any Time Without Notice
  • If a Visa is refused money cannot be returned

Friday, February 7, 2020

The palace England

The palace which was built in 1068 by William has famous architecture during the 14th century. Initially, this building functioned as a fortress until the 17th century, then it had been turned into a country house with the Greville family as its owner. In 1978, the castle was later sold to media and entertainment companies, so that it could become one of the favorite tourist attractions in the UK for tourists to visit.

Lake District in Britain's

Lake District is Britain's largest national park. Here, you can enjoy the natural beauty of the Cumbria region which displays unified frontiers of mountains, lakes, and also hills that are formed due to glacial erosion. So, once again, nature also has wisdom that can create a dramatic or even inspiring impression, depending on how we see it. Yes, for example the presence of the Lake District National Park, which can be a blessing for the surrounding community, because many tourists visit here to satisfy the pleasure of hiking or climbing mountains.

Tourist attractions in England

Tourist attractions in England which is a pity to miss next is Stonehenge. Stonehenge entered the prehistoric site that is important to the world. This building was built by a group of people long ago who did not leave any traces or written records in the construction process. This is a wealth of the world which must be well guarded. Even the results of research show that mysterious stones arranged with this pattern have existed since 2500 BC.
The purpose of the construction of Stonehenge even today is still a debate among experts. They have not found a definite reason for the construction of Stonehenge, but many sources say that Stonehenge is often used for the center of religious ceremonies that these communities do.

a favorite of tourists visiting this country

One of the tourist attractions in the UK which is a favorite of tourists visiting this country is the Cotswolds. You certainly are familiar with the appearance of the Cotswolds because it is often the location of several British films that are quite famous such as "The Casual Vacancy," Poldark ", and also" Wolf Hall ". Here, you will find a different tourist sensation by walking or using a bicycle.
The Cotswolds offers a unique view with a rural atmosphere located in the limestone area that is honey-colored. Not only that, a combination of ancient buildings such as Tetbury, Chipping Norton, and Castle Combe as well as a rare old beech forest will add interest to be able to attract the attention of tourists.